Protect the People and Planet, One Meal at a Time

Small plants in a garden

According to the National Integrated Climate Change Database Information and Exchange System under the Climate Change Commission of the Philippines, climate change poses health hazards that will greatly affect Filipino families. There will be a significant increase of public health emergencies triggered by extreme changes in temperatures. Surge of diseases like dengue, malaria, cholera, typhoid, and influenza are among the best examples.

In the recent article of the British Heart Foundation last March 2024, there is a study published by the New England Journal of Medicine that finds microscopic fragments of microplastics and nanoplastics in the fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels of the heart. Although the report states that the study did not prove microplastics and nanoplastics caused heart attacks and strokes, there is still a link between the two. At this early stage there are limitations in the study but it is essential to point and critically think about how these microplastics and nanoplastics were found inside a human body.

Climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts should be valued by the business community to protect the lives of Filipino consumers.


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